Euro Ch. Bardonhill Storm Front


Dog - Born 28 June 1991
Breeder: Marita Bott
Owner: Tibor Hamori (Hungary)
Hip Score: Negative
The   COI for Stormy is: 12.7% Bardonhill20Stormfront

Litter Brothers and Sisters:
Bardonhill Balmy Days
Bardonhill Cloudburst
Bardonhill Cloudless Sky
Bardonhill Etesian Wind
Bardonhill Fork Lightening
Bardonhill Heat Wave
Bardonhill Rain Again
Bardonhill Raises the Wind
Bardonhill Roaring Forties
Bardonhill Slip Stream
Bardonhill Sunny Days
Bardonhill Weatherman

Breeder Record
Not Known

Show Awards
Euro Ch '97 VDH, CH,Res
Amsterdam Winner'98

ParentsGrandparentsGreat GrandparentsG Great Grandparents
Sh.Ch. Laggan Glen Ettrick Sh.Ch. Laggan Bryan's Boy Sh.Ch. Wendover Colas Sh.Ch. Wendover Gentleman
Wendover Scarlet Girl Of Kerrydene
Hallglen Celandine SH.CH Allsquare Micky Finn
Russet Of Hallglen
Sh.Ch. Laggan Macbie Lady Sh.Ch. Kerryfair Night Fever Sh.Ch. Sowerhill Sahib
Cornevon Spring Melody
Laggan Janek's Jem Fetteresk Winter Breeze
Hallglen Celandine
Sh.Ch. Bardonhill Kiss-a-Gram Sh.Ch. Kerryfair Night Fever Sh.Ch. Sowerhill Sahib Sh.Ch. Wendover Jeeves
Sh.Ch. Sowerhill Sarah
Cornevon Spring Melody Wynjill Country Woodland
Cornevon Tamarind
Moyna April At Bardonhill Moyna Jamie Wendover Mercury
Moyna Miss Molly
Sh.Ch. Rickerscot Bridget Maguire Sh.Ch. Scotswood Barabbas
Rickerscot Clover Colleen