Bardonhill Puppies

Dam: Bardonhill Words of Love (photo above)
(Sh.Ch. Ember Red Hot Chilipepper of Quensha - Bardonhill True Love Ways)
Sire: Sh.Ch. Gwendariff D'Ya Know My Name by Bardonhill JW
(Covarney Flapjack - Gwendariff Whipsa Daisy)
13 Puppies
6 Dogs and 7 Bitches
COI = 9.8%
Dam: Gwendariff Such A Carry On at Bardonhill JW
(Bardonhill Tom Foolery - Sh.Ch./Ir.Sh.Ch. Gwendariff Rock Diva)
Sire: Bardonhill Bertie Bott By Bridgella
(Sh.Ch. Bardonhill Ginger-Whinger JW - Bardonhill Starlight)
8 Puppies :
4 Dogs and 4 Bitches
COI : 17.8%
Dam: Bardonhill Words of Love
Sire: Sh.Ch. Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
10 Puppies
6 Dogs & 4 bitches
COI = 15.7%
Dam: Bardonhill Ice Ice Icicle JW
Sire: Gwendariff I'm Comin Out JW
11 Puppies
3 Dogs & 8 Bitches
COI 18.9%
Sire: Gwendariff I'm Comin Out JW
Dam: Bardonhill Come On Eileen
7 Puppies
4 Dogs 3 Bitches
COI 17.3%
Sire: Sh.Ch. Ember Red Hot Chilipepper of Quensha
Dam: Bardonhill Ice Ice Icicle JW
8 Puppies
3 Dogs & 5 Bitches
COI : 6%
Sire: Sh.Ch. Gwendariff D'Ya Know My Name By Bardonhill JW
Dam: Bardonhill True Love Ways
11 Puppies
6 Dogs 5 Bitches
COi 14.1%
Sire: Sh.Ch. Gwendariff D'Ya Know My Name By Bardonhill JW
Dam: Bardonhill Guilty Pleasure
7 Puppies
1 Dog & 6 Bitches
Sire: Sh.Ch. Ember Red Hot Chilipepper of Quensha
Dam: Bardonhill True Love Ways