Bardonhill Kiss-Me-Quick


Bitch -Born: 21 April 1990
Breeder: Marita Bott
Owner: Marita Bott
KC/AHT DNA Tested PRA (rcd-1) clear
The  COI for Lauren  is: 10.8%

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Brothers and Sisters
Bardonhill Blithe Spirit
Bardonhill High Spirits
Bardonhill Kiss 'N Tell
Bardonhill Kiss-Curl
Bardonhill Kiss-Kiss-Say
Bardonhill Kissable
Bardonhill Kissing Cousin
Bardonhill Kissing the Pink
Bardonhill Spirited Away
Bardonhill Star-Kissed
Bardonhill Team Spirit

Breeder Record
1. Born 16/06/94  Sire: Sh.Ch.Marksway Marquis  7 Puppies 
2. Born 25/12/95 Sire: Sh.Ch.Shenanagin Stockbroker 6 Puppies 
3. Born 23/06/97  Sire: Shenanagin Some Might Say it's Bardonhill JW 8 Puppies

Show Awards

ParentsGrandparentsGreat GrandparentsG Great Grandparents
Free Spirit Of Danaway Sh.Ch. Wendover Colas Sh.Ch. Wendover Gentleman NZ.Ch. Gary Of Acres
Sh.Ch. Wendover Katie
Wendover Scarlet Girl Of Kerrydene Wendover Fred
Wendover Change
Westerhuys Dutch Spirit Sh.Ch. Cornevon Lovebird Sh.Ch. Cornevon Prince Charming
Sh.Ch. Cornevon Primrose
Sh.Ch. Cornevon Westerhuys Cloggy Margretwoods Caretaker Of Scotswood
Cornevon Stargazer
Sh.Ch. Bardonhill Kiss-a-Gram Sh.Ch. Kerryfair Night Fever Sh.Ch Sowerhill Sahib Sh.Ch. Wendover Jeeves
Sh.Ch. Sowerhill Sarah
Cornevon Spring Melody Wynjill Country Woodland
Cornevon Tamarind
Moyna April At Bardonhill Moyna Jamie Wendover Mercury
Moyna Miss Molly
Sh.Ch. Rickerscot Bridget Maguire Sh.Ch. Scotswood Barabbas
Rickerscot Clover Colleen